Mark Zuckerberg Says Facebook Won’t Become a Media Company But Rather Stay as a Tech Company

An increasing number of users today are turning to social media networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, to find their news, but Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said his firm has no ambitions to become a content provider, Reuters reports.

Earlier this week, Mark told a group of students from Luiss university, that Facebook is a tech company and not a media company, after a young Italian student asked him whether the firm intended to become a news editor.

While acknowledging the role Facebook has in supplying users with news through their connections and stressing the advantages of obtaining information from different parts of the world, Zuckerberg commented that they build the tools and don’t produce any content”.

“The world needs news companies, but also technology platforms, like what we do, and we take our role in this very seriously,” he said, speaking from Rome’s Luiss university.[related-posts]