The new VLC for Android 2.0 supports networking browsing and popup-video view

Yesterday, VLC released version 2.0 of its Androids media player with some major upgrades.

Some of the new features for VLC for Android 2.0 is a subtitles downloader, video playlists, network shares browsing and playback, pop-up video view, multi-windows, favorite network shares, and optional history panel.

VLC is merging both the Android packages and Android TV on this version with support for all Android version including the upcoming Android N.

App permissions have been updated so users don’t have to worry about permissions that can be dangerous. Runtime permissions are also supported.

There’s the new playback of local servers and network shares and more protocols are now supported.

The new supported protocals include Windows Shares, DLNA/UPnP, SFTP, NFS, and FTP(S).

Popup-video view is supported on devices which support Multi-Window.