Huawei is hopeful that by 2021, it will be the world’s leading smartphone producer, out-beating current competitors Samsung and Apple.
This follows Huawei Chairman Richard Yu’s presentation during the Converge Tech Conference held in Hong Kong last week, during which he said that by 2021 he hopes that the percentage of Huawei smartphones on the market percent will grow to a quarter of the market. Naturally, this will take a lot of work, as well as patience, both of which Huawei is determined to deliver.
Despite the current shrinkage in the China market as a result of congestion, on a global scale, the International Data Corporation (IDC) statistics show that Huawei still holds third position with 8.3% of the smartphone market, followed by Apple that has 15% and Samsung with 23%.

Huawei has already managed a 59% increase in smartphone shipments in Quarter one alone of 2016. All the while, Samsung’s numbers didn’t change and Apple’s are down by 14%. Additionally, Huawei has so far invested over $9.2 billion in Research & Development, topping Apple’s $8.1 billion this year.
Dong Chengzu, Head of Retail and Marketing Department Huawei Uganda says, ‘In 2012, Huawei became the world’s third-largest smartphone manufacturer and was the first Chinese company to sell more than 100 million mobile phones in one year – 2015, with products and services available in more than 170 countries. Huawei continues to develop innovations based on customer needs with an aim of enhancing their experiences and creating maximum value for every single device purchase they make.