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3 easy ways to improve your Wi-Fi signal at home or office

Your router shouldn't be hidden but put out in the open for best signal. Image credit: Handluggageonly

Your router shouldn't be hidden but put out in the open for best signal. Image credit: Handluggageonly

It seems like just the other day when telcos in Uganda launched 3G and the 3G USB modems were the must-have gadget for every one. However we’ve quickly moved from 3G modems to 4G mi-fis and many internet users no longer purchase bundles for their smartphones but instead load it on their mi-fi which they will be able to use on the smartphone, laptop and any other devices.

So we have quickly come to a point where the home is sharing a single wi-fi connection. Wi-fi in the home used to be reserved for those who had pockets deep enough to pay for a broadband connection and the related indoor and outdoor equipment, now all you need is a mi-fi!

If however you’re struggling to enjoy your usually fast internet connection, before you go back to the shop to complain or ditch it for a new mi-fi, there’s a few things to consider to ensure your signal is optimized.

1. Location
Routers aren’t attractive things. It’s not like your MacBook Air that you want the world to see; internet boxes are plasticy eyesores of the highest proportion. Chances are then that you’ve scurried your Wi-Fi box out of the way, hemmed in your TV stand, under the hallway table or in the corner of the server room in the office. Don’t though; this thing needs to be displayed with smooth-streaming pride.

Walls, desks, boxes, it all blocks your Wi-Fi signal, so your router should be given pride of place somewhere open, up off the floor and clear of physical obstructions. Also, make sure you put it in the middle of your home or office if you can – that way you should get even coverage in all parts of the house.

2. Air clutter
It’s not just physical barriers that your Wi-Fi signal is trying its hardest to battle through. Our increasingly tech-filled homes are brimming with all sorts of other devices and appliances that are pumping out signals of their own.

From microwaves and cordless phones to your set-top box and smarthome system, there’s plenty of airwaves clutter hampering your Wi-Fi’s progress. You can’t kill this congestion completely, but give your router a hand and move other electrical items out of its immediate path.[related-posts]

3. Security
Police! Help! There’s someone’s steeling my Wi-Fi! Give over, yes, someone might be pinching your internet, driving down the speeds available to you, the bill payer, and you keep complaining to your ISP about bundles being depleted faster than you expect. But that’s your own fault – get a decent password on there.

Boosting your security isn’t just about improving speeds, either, it’s generally the smart thing to do – after all, you don’t want your Wi-Fi-pinching neighbour nicking your internet, downloading something dodgy and having the consequences fall back on you.


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