Carlos Pereira, Computer Analyst and father of a girl with cerebral palsy, offers people with disabilities real social inclusion and integration. Livox is an alternative communication app that adapts itself according to its user’s disability. “Lifesaver: A new way of CPR”, serves as an engaging mobile interactive training in CPR. By being thrown into videos showing situations, it offers a digital learning environment via augmented reality. Livox and Lifesaver follow the principle: Smart Content makes things not only easier, smart content makes things possible.
Being selected from over 480 nominations, the WSA mobile winners demonstrate the richness of mobile content: mobile solutions supporting every day’s challenges and enhancing every citizen’s lives – making things not only easier, but possible. This year’s winners show once more diversity and innovation, but most forward also the rapid movement towards smart citizenship for everyone.
The WSA-mobile winners will receive their awards at the WSA-mobile Gobal Congress. From 1-3 February 2015, Abu Dhabi will turn into “a global panopticum of smart minds doing smart things”, WSA Chairman Peter A. Bruck says. “To drive meaningful and relevant innovation in mobile technology, you have to connect smart minds. With the WSA-mobile we dive into the state-of-the-art of mobile content and showcase development. This year’s winners are an excellent selection of this momentum, matching local solutions to local needs.
Abu Dhabi will offer the special stage to highlight the swing of modern mobile technologies serving to develop local communities, national social strategies and meaningful use of mobile technology”.
Hosted by the Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Centre (ADSIC), the event will deliver a best practice exhibition of the best m-Content projects worldwide. The agenda of the WSA-mobile Congress will be a compilation of interaction and inspiration, assembling workshops, business blind-dates and infamous keynotes, bringing together UN and governmental representatives, privates sector and innovators.