Six London residents Agree To Trade Their Oldest Child For Public WiFi

free-wifiSix London residents unknowingly agreed to give up their oldest child in order to get on a city’s public WiFi network.

This was revealed through an experimental attempt to unmask the dangers of public WiFi.

When people connected to a hotspot, the Guardian reports, “the terms and conditions they were asked to sign up to included a ‘Herod clause promising free Wi-Fi but only if ‘the recipient agreed to assign their first born child to us for the duration of eternity’.”

It was assumed that the six folks who signed up didn’t fully read the security clause, and F-Secure, the security firm that sponsored the experiment, won’t be taking anyone’s child away.

“The report concluded that there needs to be much more education around the use of public Wi-Fi, especially hotspots that are of unknown origin,” The Guardian reports, also pointing out that most people think of WiFi as a “place” and not an “activity.”

“You don’t do unprotected Wi-Fi at home, why are you doing it in public?” F-Secure’s Sean Sullivan asked.

Source: BI