Stream All UK and US Movies and TV Shows Via UnoTelly

The Internet Access in Uganda is becoming better every year and with companies like Seacom and Google improving the infrastructure in Kampala, I foresee a future in which the internet for the end user is very cheap, very fast and very accessible and as a movie and series lover I have been obsessed with how my life is going to change the coming 2-3 years.

What if I told you, you can now stream TV shows and Movies be it on Netflix, abc, Showtimes, HBO and all your favorite channels right here in East Africa, Uganda. With UnoTelly all you have to do is pay as low as $4.95(premium plan) or $7.95(Gold Plan) every month and you will be able to stream all your favorite channel on your device. Here is how your will receive value for the money you pay.

Break The Borders:

When you signup for UnoTelly service, you will be given first a free premium trial of 8 days with this you will be required to change your DNS to UnoDNS which will let you mask your geolocation to make it easy for you to watch geo-restricted channels. However What UnoTelly doesn’t do is make you access the subscription channels for free. This means that Netflix being a subscription TV service, you will be required to first pay for it in order to stream movies, how I wish they had a way around that but hey, I get to watch Netflix from Uganda.

Netflix in without UnoTelly
Netflix in Uganda without UnoTelly
Netflixs with UnoDNS
Netflix in Uganda with UnoDNS

Stream Faster.

Compared to other services that let you access geo-restricted TV services, I find UnoTelly streaming speeds faster because UnoTelly lets you stream all these channels direct from the main site without going through a 3rd party service.

Runs On Many Devices:

You can watch UnoTelly on your PC, Mac, and Linux devices. You can also watch TV on both your Android and iPhone and iPad set, not forgetting the TVs, UnoTelly also works with the chromecast, xBox and PS4, the list goes on…..

More Channels:

Get more than 289 Unlocked Channels  and these include sports, music, movie and news channels and these can all be streamed on your TV, Smartphone or your PC.

Customer Support:

One last thing I liked about UnoTelly is that it has 24/7 support and I had an issue subscribing to Netflix but the help tips they offer on different channels helped me get a way out and subscribed to Netflix with ease.

Well don’t let me have all the fun alone just tryout UnoTelly for 8 days and let me know what you think.