How to extend your WhatApp validity for free

whatsapp-voice-main-1375835784Whatsapp at the moment is one of the most popular Mobile Apps, The chatting App gives you a trial after which your are supposed to extend your validity for 1 year at a cost of approximately $ 0.99.

Incase you want to check your Expiry and time interval left Go to SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT -> PAYMENT INFO. There you will find your Payment details and expiry date.

If you account has been warning you, we are here to help you on how to extend validity in 5 simple steps without having to pay any money.

Below are the steps.

Step 1: Open Whatsapp on your Device

Step 2: Go to Settings, click on Account

Step 3: Now click on Delete my account

Step 4: Enter your mobile number in the given field then click on Delete my Account

Now that you are no more on Whatsapp, all you have to do is re-install the app and you will be good to go.

You can now enjoy WhatsApp for another extra year.

Credit: Tech Watch