Nigeria: Easy Taxi app pre-installed on Samsung Galaxy S5

EasyTaxi featuredAt the launch of the Galaxy S5 in Lagos, Samsung announced that the Easy Taxi app is planned to be pre-installed on all new Samsung Galaxy S5 devices in Nigeria.

Easy Taxi is a mobile application that allows users to book a taxi and track it in real time.

Samsung West Africa Director, Emmanouil Revmatas praised the app for its vision to provide users of the S5 with a convenient, safe and fast means of calling a cab and also stated that Samsung was proud to be associated with such a brand.

CEO and co-founder of Easy Taxi Nigeria, Bankole Cardoso commented on the Samsung partnership:

“We are delighted to be working together with Samsung to bring the Easy Taxi app to an even wider audience of users across Nigeria. Users are becoming more and more tech-savvy and we are receiving an increasing number of bookings through our app. By continuing to offer fast, easy and safe taxi rides to new users, we are confident that we can help to further develop e- and m-commerce opportunities across Nigeria.”

Easy Taxi, which was originally founded by Tallis Gomes in Brazil in 2011, was launched in Nigeria in July 2013.

To use the Easy Taxi service, simply download the app, and once you’re registered you can request a ride from a nearby licenced driver. The app uses GPS technology to link users to the closest drivers around them, but it is up to the driver to accept the customer requests or not.

Source: ITnewsafrica