.Rich, .Sexy and .Ninja are among the first 100 Generic Internet Domains

icann_logo_640_largeThe Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced that there are now 100 generic TLDs that have been “delegated,” one of the final steps before the domains can begin taking registrations.

Among the new domains are .rich, .sexy, .ninja, .pink, .email, .buzz, .coffee and .domains. ICANN has posted the full list, along with the names of all the registrants.

Among the known companies, Google is represented by its domain-name registrar company, Charleston Road Registry. The sole domain it has on the list of 100 is a Japanese-character name, the Japanese word for “everyone.” Google (through Charleston) actually has several gTLD applications pending, including .google, .android, .youtube and even .tech, although those haven’t reached the delegation stage yet.

Apple has just one application, for .apple. Microsoft has applied for .microsoft, .bing, .skype and .docs, among others.

Source: Mashable