Iron Man Robert Downey Jr. Stars In HTC Ad Campaign

An HTC ad starring Robert Downey Jr. was released on YouTube yesterday, signaling the start of the actor’s reported two-year, $12 million deal with the cell phone maker, the Los Angeles Times wrote.

In the spot above, an executive alerts a boardroom that “subversive thinking has arrived.” Enter Downey, essentially in Tony Stark “Iron Man” mode. Playing on HTC’s initials, he pops open a briefcase and says, “Humongous Tinfoil Catamaran.”


The $1 billion campaign will officially launch on Thursday.

HTC, a Taiwan-based manufacturer of Android phones, experienced a sharp profit fall in its June quarter, even though its recently released HTC One smartphone was highly regarded.

HTC said that it hired Downey for its campaign because “Downey is respected as an actor, yet he doesn’t follow the typical Hollywood mold.”
