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Microsoft Apps Team for Startups coming to Kampala

Participants at one of the previous events at Outbox Hub in Kampala
Participants at one of the previous events at Outbox Hub in Kampala
Participants at one of the previous events at Outbox Hub in Kampala

Microsoft has launched the Africa Apps team, a group of Developer Platform Evangelists, to work with software developers in Uganda and Africa at large. The team is made up of experts on Microsoft technologies such as Visual Studio, Kinect, Windows Azure, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Bing Search and Open Source technology all dedicated to helping African developers build, scale and market their innovations across the World.

The team is comprised of Dele Akinsade, the Developer Evangelist Lead for West, East and Central Africa (@dakinsade), Shehab Fawzy, the Team’s Windows 8 Developer Evangelist (@shehabafawzy), Dina Helmy, a Windows 8 Developer Evangelist (@bougyz), Ahmed Sabbour, a Windows Azure Developer Evangelist (@Sabbour), Omar Islam, the Kinect Developer Evangelist (@Omar_islam), Stephen Ebichondo, Visual Studio Developer Evangelist (@sebichondo), John Kimani, Bing Developer Evangelist (@kimanigakingo) and Annie Njenga, the Audience Marketing Manager for the Africa Apps team for West East and Central Africa (@anniewnjenga).

The team is planning on making a tour of Makerere University as well as HIVE COLAB and Outbox Hub  where they will hold several interactive sessions with several groups including students and entrepreneurs. In these sessions, they will train attendees on how to use the different tools and technologies highlighting the possibilities around creating applications for the Microsoft environment and the Windows Marketplace. They will also be speaking about the various programs that are available for students, startups and faculty.

The team will be at the HiveColab on February 26th from 0900hrs and at Outbox Hub on March 1, 2013 as follows;

TIME Hive Colab (February 26, 2013) Outbox Hub (March 1, 2013)
0900hrs – 0930hrs Introductions Introductions
0930hrs – 1000hrs Microsoft Programs presentation Microsoft Programs presentation
1000hrs – 1030hrs Visual Studio presentation Visual Studio presentation
1030hrs – 1045hrs Q&A Q&A
1045hrs – 1115hrs Open Source presentation Open Source presentation
1115hrs – 1130hrs Q&A Q&A
1130hrs – 1200hrs Windows Azure Presentation Windows Azure Presentation
1200hrs – 1215hrs Q&A Q&A
1215hrs – 1245hrs Windows Phone Presentation Windows Phone Presentation
1245hrs – 1300hrs Q&A Q&A
1300hrs – 1400hrs Lunch Lunch
1400hrs – 1430hrs Windows 8 presentation Windows 8 presentation
1430hrs – 1445hrs Q&A Q&A
1445hrs – 1515hrs Bing presentation Bing presentation
1515hrs – 1530hrs Q&A Q&A
1530hrs – 1600hrs Kinect presentation Kinect presentation
1600hrs – 1615hrs Q&A Q&A
1615hrs – 1630hrs closure + feedback session closure + feedback session