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Umeme Releases Annual Report 2011


Some of these are:

Cash generated from operations UGX 60 billion, an increase of 38% from2010.

Debt finance inflow from International Finance Corporation of UGX 23 Billion.

Capital Expenditure of UGX 78 billion, up from UGX 51 billion spent in 2010.

Reduction in energy losses to 27.3% from 30% recorded in 2010Customer growth by 13%.

Total connections in the period were 52,349 andtotal customers as at the end of period were 457,808Increase in revenue collections to 99% compared to 95% achieved in 2010.

While presenting the report to the media, Chief Financial Officer Umeme Selestino
Babungi said,” We are delighted by the good financial performance in 2011 despite
The challenges faced in the year, especially limited power generation that led to load
Shedding our customers and the tough economic environment. This also was a year
That demonstrated we have put in place the critical ingredients required for us to bea viable business…”

The CFO reaffirmed Umeme’s commitment to focus on a variety of technology
Based solutions that ‘…will enhance our customers ‘service experience and
deliver on our Regulatory targets…”

 Despite precarious operating conditions, Umeme outperformed in all segments of
their business and complete the 7 year regulatory review period well ahead of time.

Umeme’s investment in the Distribution network has exceeded UGX 324,350,000,000/=
(three hundred and twenty four billion, three hundred and fifty million) and they have
Connected 250,000 customers against a target of 60,000 set in 2005.

In his remarks the Managing Director of Umeme Charles Chapman called upon the media
to join the campaign against Power thefts that is causing unacceptable levels of commercial
loss ‘…We need the support of the media to cultivate a culture of responsibility in our communities, we need to get our customers working with us to ensure that we all pay our fair share of electricity and importantly keep our families safe from illegal connections that are taking the lives of too many people…’

 Over the past few years Umeme has invested in Technological solutions like prepaid metering,
SCADA (a real time remote monitoring of the distribution network system that has improved
maintenance and management of the distribution network), Automated Meter Reading ,
alternative bill payment channels (Umeme Touch Pay) and more accessible service centers.

Mr. Chapman commended the Umeme staff on their commitment to the job and their
Professionalism during the difficult times in 2011.

In response to the high incidence of corruption in service delivery by imposters, some stuff
members collaborating for power theft, Umeme has partnered with Transparency International to build and manage an integrity call centre.

This call centre is a place the general public can call toreport cases of corruption, theft of power or Umeme installations or abuse of office.

The toll free call centre number is 0312 360671 and also be reached by email on .


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