Check if Your G-mail account is Hacked.

While some time back people had Yahoo addresses by default, these days many people use Gmail. I want to go over one of Gmail’s security features that I have recently found useful. It watches your account and displays a notification when someone else logs into your account. Basically a nice little feature from Gmail team that lets you check if someone has hacked into your Gmail account. When you’re in Gmail go all the way down to the bottom of the page. There you should see something starting with “Last account activity …”. As you can see in the screenshot above, it shows the last time someone logged in into your account and the IP address of that person. If you are logged in just now you should see it right there. Last account activity: 3.5 hours ago at this IP ( Now here comes the cool part, if at some point while you’re logged in someone else logs into your account the bottom line will change to something like: This account is open in 1 other location at this IP ( This basically tells you that there is someone else in your account,unless you have it also opened in other browser or left it open on other PC (at home and you are at work). As you have probably noticed there is also a ‘Details’ link. This one gives you a bit more than just who is logged in right now but also recent account access times, the IP addresses and the way account was accessed (i.e. using Browser, via POP3, etc.) Here are 3 things you should pay attention to: 1. IP Address – If you usually signin to Gmail using a single computer then your IP address should be the same. Or at least have identical first two sets of numbers (ex. 212.10. xx.xx). 2. Access Type – This column displays the way your account was accessed. For instance if you read your email from browser (Firefox, IE, Safari etc.) but one of the entries showing POP access, there is a good chance your account is compromised. 3. Concurrent Sessions – If your mail is currently being accessed from another location, you’ll see it here. However, as I mentioned earlier if you have your Gmail account open in some other browser (or PC), those sessions will appear here as well. If you want to sign out these other sessions you can do so using ‘Sign out all other sessions’ button. This won’t affect your current session. If at one point you notice that something is not right and feel that your account is compromised the first thing you should do is change your password. Note that this feature is also available to Google Apps users. While some time back people had Yahooaddresses by default, these days many peopleuse Gmail. I want to go over one of Gmail’ssecurity features that I have recently founduseful. It watches your account and displays anotification when someone else logs into youraccount. Basically a nice little feature fromGmail team that lets you check if someonehas hacked into your Gmail account.
gmail gmail

When you’re in Gmail go all the way downto the bottom of the page. There you shouldsee something starting with “Last accountactivity …”

As you can see in the screenshot above, itshows the last time someone logged in intoyour account and the IP address of that person.If you are logged in just now you shouldsee it right there.

Last account activity:3.5 hours ago at this IP ( 

Now here comes the cool part, if at somepoint while you’re logged in someone elselogs into your account the bottom line willchange to something like:

This account is open in 1 other locationat this IP (

This basically tells you that there is someoneelse in your account,unless you have italso opened in other browser or left it openon other PC (at home and you are at work).As you have probably noticed there is alsoa ‘Details’ link. This one gives you a bit morethan just who is logged in right now but alsorecent account access times, the IP addressesand the way account was accessed (i.e. usingBrowser, via POP3, etc.) Here are 3 things you should pay attention to:

1. IP Address – If you usually signin toGmail using a single computer then your IPaddress should be the same. Or at least haveidentical first two sets of numbers (ex. 212.10.xx.xx).

2. Access Type – This column displays theway your account was accessed. For instanceif you read your email from browser (Firefox,IE, Safari etc.) but one of the entries showingPOP access, there is a good chance your accountis compromised.

3. Concurrent Sessions – If your mail iscurrently being accessed from another location,you’ll see it here.However, as I mentioned earlier if youhave your Gmail account open in some otherbrowser (or PC), those sessions will appearhere as well. If you want to sign out theseother sessions you can do so using ‘Sign outall other sessions’ button. This won’t affectyour current session.If at one point you notice that somethingis not right and feel that your account iscompromised the first thing you should do ischange your password.Note that this feature is also available to   Google Apps users.