PC Tech launches Online Resource platform

Last month, PC Tech launched a new online platform, Digital Learning Africa, a tool for cataloguing online resources for educators and students on the African continent. This initiative, developed in partnership with Pearl Richards Foundation (www.pearlrichards.org) underscores PC Tech’s commitment to supporting technology education in Africa, following an earlier launched initiative, PC Tech Educate, in which the company donates free copies of PC Tech magazine to libraries of various schools and institutions per month.

The vision of DLA is to promote the use of learning technologies and electronic resources in teaching in educational institutions [schools and universities] in Africa. It is an initiative of the PearlRichards Foundation and PC Tech International.

Digital Learning Africa promotes the teaching and learning of interrelationships between technology, business and society in educational institutions [schools and universities] by increasing accessibility to educational technological resources.
• To catalog [and make more accessible] online resources which promote the teaching and learning of interrelationships between technology, business and society. These online resources cover academic resources, reports from governments and non-governmental institutions and communities of learning and teaching of technology.
• To conduct workshops, seminars and conferences to promote the understanding of technology and its use and impact on business and society in Africa.
• To work with educational institutions to document and increase access to educational materials which foster learning, creativity and edutainment.
You can read more about Digital Learning Africa by going to the website, www.digitallearningafrica.org