Editor's PickInternet

Editor’s Pick: 10 Google Chrome Shortcuts You Should Know

Having the idea of using shortcut keys while working or surfing or even typing a document or while playing games is really essential. Helps a lot with working fast, and also giving a rest to you mouse or touchpad/trackpad. As seen or heard, shortcuts can be offline and by this I mean when it comes to typing a document, or something related to that sort like playing games with your joystick, and then online, and this is by the web/internet – say for instance you’re on Google Chrome – and some of them are similar. For instance Ctrl + P means prints and applies to both scenarios.

It is also worth noting that some of these shortcuts do apply to other internet web browsers. In our editor’s pick we share 10 google chrome shortcuts you can use will surfing the web.

1. Ctrl+Enter
This combination is used to quickly complete an address. For example, type “pctechmag” in the address bar and press Ctrl+Enter to get pctechmag.com. However, this particular shortcut is only available to ‘.com’ extension. Anything other than that will be directed to a hosting page that will ask you to purchase that particular domain name.

2. Ctrl+Shift+O
Open the Bookmark manager. Bookmarks in a layer’s man language, are are called favorites or Internet shortcuts and are normally accessed through a menu in the user’s web browser, and folders (Bookmark Manager) are commonly used for organization. For instance, if you have a particular website you like/love, you can bookmark its URL it for future use. Normally the bookmark icon is a star that appears within the address bar.

For Firefox, to open the bookmark manager, its Ctrl+Shift+B.

3. Ctrl+H
Open browser history in a new tab. Instead of going through the menu to track your history details, a simple and faster way is pressing Ctrl + H and your history will open in a new tab. Before these internet browsers were updated, once you use the history option in the menu bar, it would replace your current opened tab unless if your current tab is blank.

For Firefox, to open the browser, its Ctrl+Shift+H.

4. Ctrl+J
Display the downloads window. Just like the Ctrl + H for history, the Ctrl + J opens your downloads in a new tab.

5. Ctrl+N
Opens new browser window to access a different URL.

6. Ctrl+Shift+N
Opens a new window in incognito (private) mode. While on Firefox its Ctrl+Shift+P

7. Ctrl+R or F5
Refresh the current page or frame. If your page is frozen, and you can’t even use the cursor to click on the refresh icon, Ctrl + R or F5 would be faster way to have this done.

8. Ctrl+S
Saves the current page you’re one. Download a page looks kinda weird, but it does happen, download managers like IDMs. can download a page. However, saving a page is much faster. If you like a page, and think it might be helpful to you in future, then save it for yourself. The page will be saved as an HTML file. This option is good for website developers.

9. Ctrl+U
Another shortcut for developers. This options displays the source code for the current page. If you liked a particular piece of work done on a website and wondered how it came by or how it can be done, you can as well view the source code before Googling. It’s also good for ‘debugging’ purposes.

10. Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Ctrl+Tab moves through each of the open tabs going to the right while Ctrl+Shift+Tab moves through each of the open tabs going to the left

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