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Using Cloud Based Sevices to Drive Cloud Based Business

Did you know that cloud storage is considered to be one of the best investments that small businesses can make? Disasters can and will strike. Devices can and do get lost and or stolen. You never know when there will be a situation in which you will need information or files while you are on the go. Cloud storage is also the ideal tool for sharing files. This is especially true when the multimedia files or documents are larger than what is allowable by email.

When you need a solution for data backup that is reliable as well as the ability to access your files instantly, regardless of where you are, or a way to share files easily with your colleagues, there is definitely a cloud service that will suit your needs.

Cloud services consist of more than just storage solutions too. How do you know which services are right for you though? You will need to try a few of them out. As of right now, there aren’t any plans that have been announced for cloud service tutorials in regards to Google’s Helpouts video tutorial service, so you will need to find help for these services elsewhere. Here are some suggestions and tips for you.


OpenStack is what is known as cinder block storage. Cinder is actually a code name that is used to describe an open source project to develop OpenStack Block Storage, which is the storage component that is block based for the OpenStack platform used for cloud computing. This service provides the software that is needed to create and then centrally manage a particular service that works to provide storage in the form of Cinder volumes, or block devices.

You will be able to tell if this is the right service for you when you try it. OpenStack makes it even easier for you though because they also give you the OpenStack deployment tutorial, which a lot of other services don’t offer.

Collaboration Software

If you are looking for a cloud service that deals with collaboration, think about using one like Asana. Asana is a free service that is used by small businesses to make teamwork something that is both fun and easy. Your company will only ever be as good as the ability of your team to work together and Asana facilitates that. The free version will support as many as 15 members on a team and because it is built using HTML5, it features a functionality that is richly designed and task management that is both attractive and easy.

Ecommerce Software

For those small business owners who are hoping or planning to grow their business more quickly, choosing an ecommerce solution that is full service instead of simply a plugin for a shopping cart can make a whole lot of sense. There isn’t a shortage of options in this area either. You need to be very careful when choosing your platform though. That is because of the fact that the experience can be one that is labor intensive and takes quite a bit of resource allocation. For that reason, before you dive in, you need to ensure that you are making the right choice for your business.

Accounting Software

Being able to get a handle on the business finances can be one of the most difficult aspects of a business that is growing. Eventually, the business will reach a point where a simple Excel spreadsheet just isn’t adequate anymore. Getting the right software for accounting can assist in making the entire process less prone to error and more automated. This is especially true of ones that have billing, time tracking, invoicing, and expense management functions integrated.

Accounting platforms that are cloud based allow small businesses to integrate the various solutions that they use, including payments and payroll to CRM – thus eliminating any need for data entry that is manual. This will save time while also providing small business owners and even managers with a complete view of how money flows out of and into the business.

This data can be accessed at any time from any place and this enables them to make decisions in real time while not necessitating that they be tied to the office.

When you find yourself in need of any type of cloud based services, make sure that you do your research first before jumping in with both feet, so that your business will benefit from it.


Staff Writer

All articles published by Staff Writer have been contributed by all our reporters and edited and proofread by our editorial team.
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