Mobile 360 series Africa will be held in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania on the 26th – 28th July, 2016.
Mobile 360 Africa serves as an extension of established GSMA conferences which highlight the work of Mobile for Development focusing on increasing access to and use of life enhancing mobile services, accelerating socio-economic improvements for the undeserved, especially women, rural and youth, particularly in digital inclusion, financial inclusion and identity for the unregistered.
The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with more than 250 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and Internet companies, as well as organizations in adjacent industry sectors.
Mobile 360 series Africa, an enriching and enlightening event will gather stakeholders; operators, regulators, policy makers, service providers, NGOs and so forth to meet and exchange invaluable experiences, visions, solutions, innovations, for the benefit of the mobile industry.
This event follows the previous Mobile 360 series Africa which was held in Cape Town South Africa on 7th – 9th October, 2015. It registered a huge level of success with over 550 attendees, 62% senior level attendees and brilliant line up of speakers addressing highly relevant topics for the market.

Keynote speakers of the event included: Fredrik Jejdling; President & CEO Ericsson SubSaharan Africa, Ben Moskowitz; Senior Development Director Mozilla Foundation, Sifiso Dabengwa; Executive Director, Group President & CEO MTN Group, Sanjana Bhardwaj; Chief of Health & Nutrition UNICEF South Africa, Erik Hersman; CEO, BRCK Founder, iHub Nairobi & Co-Founder of Ushahidi.
A wide range of topics were discussed such as;
- The Economic Impact of Mobile Money in the Digital Economy.
- Digitising Government Payments.
- Spotlight on Rural Supply: Critical Factors to Create Successful Mobile Money Agents.
- The Importance of Distribution in Mobile Insurance: Lessons Learnt.
- Accelerating Digital Literacy for Women.
- Approaches to Local Content Creation: Realising the Smartphone Opportunity.
Mobile 360 series Africa 2016 will focus on new strategies and cross-industry collaboration required to accelerate access across the region. This year’s programme includes, but is not limited to, enabling access for all, delivering quality of experience, creating local digital content and the next wave of value-added services.
Some of the topics of this conference include;
- The Disruption of Mobile Money in International Remittances.
- Creating an Enabling & Trust-Based Environment.
- Impact & Innovation and the Role of the Mobile Industry.
- Capturing the Importance of Data-Driven Analytics for the Mobile Money Industry.
- Bridging the Gender Gap in Mobile Money: Insights from Rwanda & Mali.
- Digitising Government Payments: Why and How, Benefits and Success Factors.
The two day programme will feature top notch keynote speakers, panel discussions and in-depth case studies from across many industries.
This event will also give a platform to GSMA’s Jumpstart where start-ups with regional mobile operators showcase their innovation in the mobile industry. Start-ups are invited to participate in this Jumpstart.[related-posts]