Academy Award-winning animation studio Aardman Animations brought an Original Short Film to “Google Spotlight Stories” which is view-able on the YouTube app on many Android devices, allowing you to experience the interactive movie by tilting your phone around to watch various scenes.
Google Spotlight Stories is a mobile app available on Android phones and has just made its way to iOS devices. The app features immersive, 360-degree animated films tha were originally developed by Motorola ahead to its 2011 Google acquisition. Google introduced the mobile stroytelling format in the fall of 2013. The made mobile, 360-degree videos lets viewers to dive into the animated worlds created by a group of engineers and movie directors.
The sensors on your phone allow the story to be interactive, so when you move your phone to various scenes, you unlock mini-stories within the story.
The story is about a humble caretaker who is surprised when a mysterious stranger causes mischief on the roof. He investigates, but can’t seem to catch even a glimpse of the troublemaker. And so the chase goes room to room up and down. The stranger remains just out of sight, leaving behind only a trail of gifts.
Not allowing anyone to miss out Aardman’s “Pink Panther” style holiday caper!, they also made a YouTube 360 version for other Android devices, iOS devices, and the web. You can now find both versions of “Special Delivery” on the Spotlight Stories YouTube channel, and you can also watch with Google Cardboard.
You’ll want to watch “Special Delivery” a few times to find all the surprises within the story. In the full interactive experience, you’ll encounter 10 subplots, three potential ways to view the ending, and 60+ moments where you can decide to follow the story in different ways. Each viewing is unique. We don’t want to spoil the ending, so that’s all we’ll say for now…