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Antivirus maker John McAfee is running for President of the US

John McAfee for president

John McAfee, the provocative millionaire founder of antivirus software company McAfee Software, which Intel bought for $7.68 billion in 2010, today filed a document to officially designate himself a candidate in next year’s U.S. presidential election.

“I am founding a new party yet to be announced,” McAfee wrote in the document (PDF) submitted to the Federal Election Commission, on behalf of the new committee McAfee for President. And it has now been confirmed that McAfee is running under the new “Cyber Party.”

McAfee explained that he thinks the government to be so ignorant in one particular area that he needed to make a stand. He told Wired: “It’s clear that the leadership of our country is illiterate on the fundamental technology that supports everything in life for us now, that is cyber science, our smartphones, our military hardware, our communications.”

Other prominent candidates in the 2016 presidential race include Creative Commons cofounder Lawrence Lessig, former HP chief executive Carly Fiorina, and real estate mogul Donald Trump.

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