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A Quick Way to Get More Likes on Your Facebook Page

facebook likeI’m sure you’ve asked yourself the question of how to get more likes on your page, and it’s a good one to be asking. The problem is there are too many people recommending too many different ways to get more Likes & Fans — many of them not legit.

Should you run ads to get more Likes &Fans? That’s the best way to get targeted Fans, but you’ll need a hefty ad budget. If you can’t commit the money to Facebook ads and run them consistently you won’t see results.


So what do I recommend to get more Likes & Fans on your Facebook page?

Create posts that inspire people to SHARE your content. People love to share great content. And when your Fans’ friends see that great content, they too may share it — or even better, they may “Like” your page.

It’s a win-win situation. Your current Fans share your content — and new Fans Like your page because of it!

So how do you create content that excites people enough to share it? Again, another great question.

Here are the 14 different ways to get more shares as listed on the infographic. My commentary on each item will be in (parenthesis) I will also add the infographic at the bottom of the post if you prefer reading it.

1. Be Consistent

Post more that 5 times a week so you’re “top of mind” for your Fans. Post more if you’re getting great engagement.

2. Time it right

The best time to post will depend on the type of business you’re in.

3. Use eye-catching images

Alternate photos and video with text-only updates

(Images are the most shared piece of content on Facebook — and all social media for that matter. This is why Instagram and Pinterest have done so well.)

4. Keep it short

Posts between 100 and 150 characters (fewer than 3 lines of text) see 60% more Likes, comments and shares than longer posts.

(I would go a step further and say limit it to 80 characters. The quicker it is to read, the more likely people will actually read & share it.)

5. Be relevant

Your content should let your audience know that you know who they are.

6. Use your authentic voice

People are your Fans and friends because they like what you do. Your voice on Facebook should be true to your brand.

(There is nothing worse than being completely stale and boring on Facebook. If your audience is skaters you should post like a skater, not like a Wall Street CEO.)

7. Include a call to action

If you ask your Fans to Share, Like or Comment, they are more likely to do it.

(With that in mind would you please Like and Share this post!)

8. Be creative with apps

Contest and promotion apps, along with forms, surveys, etc. can deepen users’ involvement with a business or brand.

(Don’t overdo it with apps on your page though. Contests are a great way to get more Fans and are highly shared on Facebook.)

9. Have a sense of urgency

Include up-to-minute tips and tricks, and whenever possible, dispel myths.

(It’s always a good idea to stay on top of what’s going on in your niche — and to share that with your followers. What you don’t want to do is share a post that’s a year old and no longer relevant.)

10. Offer value

Before you share something on Facebook ask yourself if you think your Fans will find value in the content

(If they don’t find any value in it, they won’t share it!)

11. Be entertaining

If your followers like funny memes or respond well to video, take note. Use the type of media that works best for your audience.

12. Be educational

People love to share how-to guides and tips.

(Totally agree with this tip. But make sure the material you share is easy to follow and from a valid source.)

13. Make a list

Lists, in the form of an infographic or a pdf (or a blog post) are great for sharing.

(This tip is perhaps the best tip on the list. People love posts that are “Top 10 Ways to…” or “12 Can’t Miss Tips on…”. There is power in list related posts.)

14. Be seasonable

Tailor your content to the season or an upcoming holiday.

(A great way to get more shares is to do a promotion based on a holiday. Or you can change out your profile image or cover photo to something seasonal. People love to see personality on a page.)

Source: Post Planner


Ephraim Batambuze III

Digital guy, Web developer, Tech blogger, Gadgets Reviews, Geeky dad. Twitter:@batambuze WhatsApp/Telegram:+256781665128 Skype:ebatambuze
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